Electrical Pulses Discharge Process for Sludge Treatment
The EDPD technology uses strong electrical pulses discharges in the sludge of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), that are mainly located in residential areas, reducing the total process time, improving its efficiency, increasing WWTP capacity and biogas production, and reducing the solids volume and the environmental odors.
Electrical Pulse Discharge Air Process for Water Disinfection
The innovative EPDAP technology uses a high-voltage electrical pulse discharge combined with a flow of air bubbles to disinfect wastewater for reuse. This technology is used in the secondary stage of wastewater treatment, where the water is contaminated with a minimal amount of solids and still has some turbidity, and the aim is to further purify the wastewater. This WADIS technology, can replace traditional methods, being a highly effective alternative to combat viruses, bacteria, fecal matter, and all kinds of microorganisms. This WADIS technology, which does not use chemicals or contaminants, can replace traditional methods (as UV for example), being a highly effective alternative to combat virus, bacteria, fecal matter, and all kinds of microorganisms, and offers better an more efficiente results than tradicional one, and in addition, by adding another WADIS technological process, drinking water can be obtained.
Electrical Pulse Oxidation Process for micropollulants reduction and disinfection
EPOP technology is a disruptive technology developed by WADIS that, through high-voltage and high-frequency electrical pulses, generates oxidation that degrades the toxins present in the Effluents and produces a highly efficient disinfection process that decomposes organic matter and other contaminants that are difficult to eliminate, such as hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, radioactive materials and many other elements.
This highly efficient technology for the reduction and disinfection of microcontaminants present in water is used in all kinds of industrial effluents, such as mining, aquaculture, food and beverages, chemicals, herbicides, paints, hospitals, pharmaceutical laboratories, among others, to treat wastewater containing organic microcontaminants for reuse.
Wadis AOP-EPOP Technology achieves better and faster results than other available AOP processes in the market for the decomposition of microcontaminants, achieving a decomposition of more than 92% of difficult-to-eliminate microcontaminants.
The use of this technology allows for the elimination of the polluting elements present in various processes, thus preventing the discharge of contaminated water into rivers, streams, seas, and soils, thereby avoiding the contamination generated by these effluents, and also allows recycling around 85% of the treated water.